No toys please – just shoes []

With all this fantastic Easter holiday weather we are having, I haven’t even had to resort to the usual Emergency Entertainment Plan of a two-hour traipse around the local shopping centre. That is, until today.

It was time to get new school shoes for the boys. I couldn’t avoid it any longer. So, armed with two promises of absolute best behaviour and no requests for sweets or toys, we set out to replace the clumpy, sensible winter shoes which growing feet had been squished into for the last few months, with shiny, brand new, summer ones.

I quite like shopping for shoes for the boys. Without any justification for buying any new ones for myself (even if there is a Royal Wedding to be viewed from the sofa on Friday), buying shoes for the children which they absolutely, positively need and cannot possibly do without for a moment longer, satisfies my need to shop and provides a decent dose of retail therapy.


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