TUI attack on State support for fee-paying schools is rabble-rousing nonsense [IrishTimes]

TALKBACK: One expects more serious analysis and leadership at a time of national crisis

WHAT IS it about the Teachers Union of Ireland (TUI)) that drives it to engage in futile bouts of self destruction? Unlike their more astute colleagues in other unions, the TUI has failed dismally to communicate to their members how successful their own officers have been in protecting their current teachers salary scales against further attacks until after 2014, in the negotiations which led to the Croke Park agreement. The TUI was all over the place on the deal; criticising it only hours after helping to negotiate it. It then advised members to reject it which they duly did.

In another U-turn the union had a re-ballot earlier this year after threats from the Department of Education that surplus staff could be sacked. The result? The deal was endorsed with a healthy majority.

Why did the TUI make such a mess of the whole thing when it was evident from day one, that Croke Park was the only game in town? One might have thought that they would have learnt from that debacle, and used their conference last week to engage in serious debate about the key educational issues facing us in our present crisis.

Instead, the TUI had a cut at the €100 State support for private fee-paying schools.

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