Yes, we teachers just don't know how privileged we really are []

The other day a well respected journalist informed us that the annual Easter-time teachers' union conferences were a pathetic farce with shouting for this and demands for that coming from teachers who are amongst the most 'privileged employees in the State'.

Well, I've never met a professional teachers' union official, and it's purely Kafkaesque getting them to return a phone call or answer an email if I have a query or an issue (they are so busy).

The reason they get so worked up is that their job is to look after those small and often vulnerable people called 'children' and they know that making them scapegoats for smarmy bankers is a very bad thing.

But 'privileged'? Yeah, sure -- wasn't there a long list of teachers at the Royal Wedding the other day, and there's no end of glamorous Irish models getting divorced from their teacher husbands now that they earn 15% less than two years ago.


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