Online learning bridges the gap from class to the digital world []

When Anna* dropped out of school at 14 suffering from anxiety due to bullying, she felt she would be left behind with no chance of getting a job. However, she was referred to iScoil, a new online learning initiative where she was able to continue her education, grow in confidence and gain qualifications that enabled her to find work.

Anna is one of a growing number of second-level students who are unable to continue in school. The reasons for this vary from behavioural issues, bullying, inability of the system to engage all students, to medical conditions and family situation.

iScoil is Ireland's first virtual school. All the teaching and learning happens online. Students are assigned a mentor who identifies the student's interests, facilitates their learning and helps them to work towards FETAC accreditation.

iScoil is born of the belief that all young people want to learn but not all are 'school shaped'. With iScoil, there is an emerging model of learning, facilitated by technology, that is addressing the barriers to learning, be they personal, social, medical or systemic.


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