Facing up to social networks [IrishTimes]

A recent survey shows that 52 per cent of children aged 11-12 in Ireland have their own profile on a social networking site, so how do you keep your child safe online, writes SHEILA WAYMAN

PARENTS ARE forever asking what age they should let their children walk to school alone, have a mobile phone, use make-up, go into town with friends or go to a disco.

A recent addition to this classic line of questioning is, what age do I let my child go on Facebook?

In theory, at least, there is a very clear minimum age: you have to be 13 to register with Facebook. The reality is very different.

When computer consultant Amanda Chambers went into a south Dublin primary school last month to talk to about 50 fifth and sixth class children about internet safety, the first question she asked was how many of them had Facebook profiles.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com


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