Special needs assistants conference for Kilkenny [advertiser.ie]

SNAs working in primary and secondary schools all over Ireland will gather in Kilkenny on May 14, for the annual conference of the special needs assistants group. The conference will take place in Hotel Kilkenny and the theme of this year’s conference is “Creative Learning in Special Education”.

The line up of speakers and topics is dazzling and is expected to be of great interest to SNAs, teachers, and parents of children with special educational needs and ASD. Of particular interest is the appearance of world renowned expert on multi sensory education, Flo Longhorn.

Longhorn presentation is entitled “Whizz, Bang, Glow, the Wow Factor in engaging any child!” Flo Longhorn has worked in the area of special and multisensory education for more than 40 years and brings a wealth of experience, resources, and common sense to her master classes.

Also included in the line-up is Hannah McDonnell. As a professional actor McDonnell is the artistic director of Seesaw Theatre Company and she designs and facilitates specialised drama workshops for artists with a range of physical and learning disabilities.


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