I went from zero to hero -- what a turn-up for the books! [Independent.ie]

While I am aware of the importance and privileges involved in being a teacher -- a position that invokes all the magical traditions of inspiring and guiding young people invoked by films such as Dead Poets' Society and Dangerous Minds -- most of the time I'd have to admit that being a teacher doesn't make me feel too sexy.

Nobody ever says, "Oh, you're a teacher, what's that like?" Everyone knows, or think they know, because they once sat in a class room, mostly being bored stupid by someone like me.

Through his job, my best friend from childhood regularly meets up with Alex Ferguson and all the top Premiership soccer stars. Am I jealous? You bet I am.

All this particularly becomes acute when I am 'hailed' on the crowded Main Street with a 'Hey Grade, you w**ker!' or 'Mr Grade! Mr Grade! You're a f***ing queer!' This latest tribute to my professional status was received as I gallantly opened the door of the restaurant to allow Mrs Grade to enter ahead of me, only for the torrent of abuse to flow into the startled dining area.


Full Story: www.independent.ie


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