Keeper of the school gate [IrishTimes]

THE EDUCATION PROFILE: FR MICHAEL DRUMM, CHAIRMAN OF THE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS PARTNERSHIP: In the school-patronage battle, is Fr Michael Drumm the ‘soft face of a hard line’ or a pragmatist who will help deliver real change in Irish schools?

TRANSFER OF SCHOOL patronage is already a hot topic. Some people see Fr Michael Drumm, brother of the former HSE boss Brendan, as the face of Catholic resistance. Others say he is simply a voice of reason on a complex issue. Either way, Drumm is poised to become one of the best-known figures in Irish education over the next year.

As chairman of the Catholic Schools Partnership, an umbrella support group for those involved in Catholic education, Drumm is essentially a spokesman for the side that stands to lose in the proposed patronage shake-up. He is representing the Catholic stakeholders at the Forum of Patronage and Pluralism in the Primary Sector.


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