Statement by Jim Higgins, President, INTO []

Monday, 25 April 2011

Statement by Jim Higgins, President, Irish National Teachers’ Organisation, on IMF/EU Deal

INTO Annual Congress 2011

INTO: Ireland’s deal with the IMF/EU will cripple primary school

The INTO has said primary education will feel the impact of the EU/IMF deal more than any other area of the public service.

The union’s President, Jim Higgins, has told its Annual Congress in Sligo that with enrolments increasing by more than 10,000 every year schools cannot cope with fewer teachers.

Mr Higgins said primary education faces the greatest challenge  from reduced government spending.

“Over the coming years the pupil population will increase by more than ten percent in the next five years,” he said. “The employment control frame work agreed under the EU/IMF deal takes no account of this.”


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