Statement by Jim Higgins, INTO President, on Literacy and Numeracy in Schools []

Monday, 25 April 2011

Statement by Jim Higgins, INTO President, on Literacy and Numeracy in Schools

INTO Annual Congress 2011

Progress on literacy and numeracy is affected by dilapidated school buildings, large classes and a lack of teaching materials – INTO President Jim Higgins.

The President of the INTO, Jim Higgins, has told the Minister for Education and Skills that progress on literacy and numeracy has been hampered by dilapidated school buildings, large classes, a lack of teaching materials and in recent years, the lack of qualified teachers. He was speaking at the INTO’s Annual Conference in Sligo which opened today.

Mr Higgins said primary teachers would respond to the challenge of raising literacy and numeracy standards. But said the Minister had to give a commitment to support teachers by resourcing modern classrooms.

He called for a review of the time allocated to the teaching of mathematics in the curriculum which he said had been reduced a decade ago.

The INTO leader rejected what he described as “simplistic demands for change which underestimate the complex task of teaching mathematics to young children.”


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