In my day we had 50 in a classroom []

Whingeing teachers -- God aren't you sick of them?

For the love of Mary Byrne, that shower of duster-wielding dipsticks have got more exposure this week than Lady Gaga's backside.

You can't turn on Radio Eireann without hearing some blackboard-bashing bearded bint complaining at a conference.

I haven't heard such overdone moans since the nephew turned on the Playboy channel in 2007.

Some of those buffoons couldn't teach a boozy balooba from Ballybunion to burp.

Most of their students couldn't pass wind after a banquet of baked beans -- let alone a blinkin' exam.

I wouldn't send most of those teachers down to Centra to buy a bag of spicy wedges.

I tell you one thing, if I got umpteen weeks of holidays for working half days -- and special days off for talking to other teachers or blowing my nose -- I'd go off to France with my wad of cash and shut up about it.

Instead they go off to some conference at Easter for yet another holiday -- and rattle on like they were the men at the bottom of the Black Hole of Calcutta.

And of course, if half a snowflake is seen in Iceland in winter they take another week off -- for health and safety, of course.


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