Talk-and-chalk model “nearing its sell-by date” []

“… Fourteen years ago, I made a huge personal decision to leave the world of cinema - after thirty happy and productive years - to engage full-time in the very different world of public policy, most particularly as it relates to education. 

”… The central challenge of my work in educational policy over the last dozen or so years has been to inspire and drive through innovation in a way that ensures that our education system, at every level, remains relevant to the collective needs of a society that is changing in ways that at times I find quite extraordinary.

“And, as many of you are keenly aware, it is digital technologies that are driving much, or even most, of this change.

“… The massive challenge for the world of education is to move from an essentially top-down, chalk-and-talk model to one that reflects both the changing needs of society and the changing expectations of a generation of young people who expect, as a matter of course, to participate in making and shaping that society, and not to simply be passive recipients of whatever is handed down.

“As I see it, one of the problems with our current educational system, at least in England, is that the chalk-and-talk model has been carried to a point at which it is now nearing its sell-by date.


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