Ruairi Quinn rules out ending teacher moratorium []

The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairi Quinn, has ruled out lifting the public service moratorium on filling promotional posts in schools.

The Teachers’ Union of Ireland called on the minister to lift the moratorium citing research that claimed that the loss of those teachers was leading to a rise in bullying and absenteeism.

Minister Quinn said that while the request to lift the moratorium was understandable, it will not be changed.

TUI President Bernie Ruane said that doing away with posts of responsibility was a “retrograde step” and a “cruel blow” to young people.

She said school is the only safe place many young people know and their year head is the only adult who has time to relate to them.

Minister Quinn said however that while the request to lift the moratorium was understandable, it will not be changed, and that it was essential that co-operation wins over confrontation to lift Ireland out of its financial crisis.


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