Dyslexia Positive in Ireland: New Approach to Learning Support [prlog.org]

All too often dyslexia is looked upon negatively. Children with mild or severe dyslexia are often seen as victims, and not as clever as other children. Yet the truth is a lot more positive. Children with dyslexia are often gifted in areas other that reading and maths. They tend to make good leaders, great problem solvers, good diplomats and demonstrate strong social skills. The World has long benefited from those who are dyslexic across a wide field of sectors from entertainment to science to technology.

Children with dyslexia are often better than average and outperform their peers in many areas including; creative thinking, visual awareness, problem solving and verbal communication.

Children with dyslexia often go on to become successful in the arts and the media, in politics, in business and in scientific disciplines ranging physics, mathematics and computer programming. And in many more fields. Famous people ranging from Albert Einstein (scientist) to Tom Cruise (actor) have benefited greatly in their careers and work from being dyslexic. Your child can too!


Full Story: www.prlog.org


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