Bullying drives boy (12) to brink of suicide – mum [wicklownews.net]

A two-year campaign of harassment and intimidation by primary school bullies has driven a 12-year-old boy to the brink of suicide, a mother has revealed.

The County Wicklow mum yesterday told WicklowNews.net of her heartache over the bullying of her 6th class son which has culminated with the creation of a Facebook page containing homosexual slurs posted by thugs masquerading online as her son.

And the heartbroken mum revealed how adult men began leaving posts on the page in an effort to contact the youth after the profile was posted on a gay adult website.

The woman, who wished to remain anonymous for fear her son would be subjected to further abuse, told how for the past two years pre-teen bullies have made his life a misery.

“He’s been so upset and frustrated and keeps asking ‘why me, I’m not the one who did anything wrong, why are they attacking me,” she said. “He loves school but he just does not want to go there anymore.”


Full Story: www.wicklownews.net


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