Funding for schools, energy; cuts to VAT, PRSI - jobs plan []

Cuts in VAT and PRSI rates, a €30m fund for school-building projects, the abolition of air tax, an expanded energy retrofitting plan and a reversal in the minimum wage are expected to be announced as part of the jobs initiative this afternoon.

Finance Minister Michael Noonan will also announce training and internship programmes aimed at the long term unemployed who number about half of the 440,000 on the Live Register. He is expected to take to his feet in the Dail at 5pm.

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has already announced details of a finders’ fee scheme that offers members of the Irish diaspora €3,000 if they create a new job that lasts at least two years.

However, entrepreneur Jerry Kenelly, founder of said today that that the plan was ‘bonkers’ and said that people like himself and members of the diaspora are doing this anyway, not for a €3,000 incentive.

“Moves that are needed are a lot simpler. There are lots of jobs and no efficient market place to find talent. A national jobs register is not an expensive thing to set up and gives an opportunity for people to make themselves available for internships,” he said.

Mr Kenelly added that there is currently a disconnect between the education system and what is available. “In reality there is a global shortage of talent, particularly in technology,” he said.

Today's jobs package will be paid for through a €500m tax on pension funds, which will be counterbalanced by tax relief on contributions to private pension funds.


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