Reward discipline, schools told [IrishExaminer]

TAKING a carrot rather than a stick approach to behaviour is vital in reducing some students’ risks of leaving school early, says one of the country’s leading education experts.

Department of Education statistics last week showed that the number of young people staying at school until Leaving Certificate has reached an all-time high, with just 14.5% of those who started first year in 2004 not completing their formal education, or 12.3% when factors like migration, death and students moving to schools not funded by the state are added.

The report pointed to the declining labour market as a significant factor but Education Minister Ruairi Quinn praised the role of teachers in catering for those at most risk of dropping out, particularly boys.

However, Dr Emer Smyth of the ESRI warned last week that cuts to school funding are disproportionately affecting those at risk of leaving school early. But while such measures put the progress on reversing school dropout rates at risk, she says the environment created by schools is also vital.

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