Executive line-up profiles of the 13 ministers [IrishTimes]

A profile of those in the Northern Executive


Dept of Culture, Arts and Leisure

The North Belfast MLA’s profile rose steadily as Sinn Féin chief whip and spokeswoman on social development. The former IRA prisoner, a highly regarded Belfast republican, will head Sinn Féin’s drive for an Irish Language Act after years of unionist opposition. She will be to the fore in planning for centenaries of the Somme, the Ulster Covenant and Easter Rising.


Junior Minister

Bell came to prominence when co-opted to the Assembly in the Strangford constituency following the resignation of Iris Robinson. He won his own mandate in the May 5th election and is rewarded with the junior minister’s position at the Office of First Minister and Deputy First Minister. A former social worker who first stood for election for the Ulster Unionists.


Dept of Agriculture and Rural Development

Replaces Michelle Gildernew, who generally had a good working relationship with farmers and ran a controversy-free department. So, a hard act to follow but Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness are confident this Mid-Ulster MLA and former mayor of Dungannon and South Tyrone has the capability to head the agriculture department.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com


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