In my opinion: It's time to re-imagine the ways we teach our children []

By now, calls to bring second-level education in line with the needs of 21st century Ireland are old hat. Criticisms from industry, third-level and others have been gathering strength since the mid-2000s. Last week at the Smart Futures Seminar, major employers such as Google and Microsoft declared Irish education 'not fit for purpose'.

Most commentators agree that our second-level system needs a more relevant curriculum, a more learner-centred approach and greater emphasis on critical thinking and other 21st century skills.

We need all of this -- not in order to 'produce' young people with skills to serve the needs of industry -- but so that all young people develop the skills and confidence they need to live and learn in a rapidly changing, information-rich society.

Earlier this month, Educate Together, with the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) and the University of Limerick, held a conference entitled 'Re-imagining Learning'. There was a focus on curriculum integration, as this has emerged as a key means by which learning can be made more relevant at this crucial stage.


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