Religion class must be easy to opt out of, says report []

RELIGION classes in church-run schools should be confined to the beginning or end of the day to make it easier for pupils to opt out, a new report states.

Changes to education legislation to ensure that schools avoid any inadvertent indoctrination or proselytism -- attempts to convert people to another point of view -- are also sought.

They are among 13 recommendations the Irish Human Rights Commission (IHRC) has made to Government to reduce the stronghold of religion on education.

The commission warns that change must start soon if the Government is to escape a rebuke when the United Nations reviews the country's human rights record later this year.

The IHRC report, 'Religion and Education: A Human Rights Perspective', is concerned that education systems must meet the rights of parents and children of the majority Roman Catholic religion, those of minority religions, and also those with no faiths.


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