Change is needed, says Church leader []

The symposium, held in Mary Immaculate College Limerick, was addressed by Minister for Education & Skills Ruairi Quinn and by Fr Tony Mullins, administrator of the diocese of Limerick pending the appointment of a successor to Bishop Donal Murray.

Fr Mullins said that a spirit of openness must prevail in the management of the debate on the future role of the Catholic Church in primary education.

"We must listen to each other without prejudice," he said, "and respect the views of all stakeholders, especially the so far silent majority whose voice has yet to be heard."

"We live in a changing Ireland - one that is becoming increasingly diverse," he continued.

Diversity must be met with inclusivity and students must come first, regardless of their environment or faith, he said.

"It is important that we recognise that diversity of itself does not deliver inclusivity... it is not diversity in and for itself that we strive for - but inclusivity and mutual respect.

"We can have a diverse society, which excludes some or all beliefs, or we can have a society which respects and embraces all."

Fr Mullins said there is no such thing as a ‘neutral’ school ethos.


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