Desperate donkey, placid pooch and a bird-napped budgie []

When I was a schoolboy, animals played a vital and unique role in the entertainment of my alma mater. Where I work, this year the closest to an animal we got to see roaming the classrooms was a bluebottle.

I counted 21 dead ones on the window sill in a corridor, with just one live one hopping around the corpses, presumably in a state of dismay.

Last week my third years told me that they have to go all the way back to first class when someone brought in a lamb in a cage for all the kids to pet. Then today I'm delighted when the sixth years release a donkey into the PE hall as part of their hilarious valedictory prank. Cue amused teachers and sniggering pupils as the lone caretaker struggles to shift the beast.

The show only becomes more hilarious as the PE teacher arrives, looking for his first year group, and proceeds to awkwardly tug at the poor old donkey's head.


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