327,000 children overweight as Irish obesity crisis looms [IrishExaminer]

UP TO 327,000 children are either obese or overweight and experts have warned Ireland is heading for a US-style epidemic where 33% of children have weight problems.

According to Dr Donal O’Shea, a consultant endocrinologist and the director of the weight management Clinic at St Columcille’s Hospital, 20% of Irish children are obese or overweight.
Dr O’Shea said the figure will be much higher if the Government does not act.

The head of the Sports Council, John Treacy, has called for a dedicated cross-departmental government group to try and tackle the issue.

The former Olympic athlete, who chaired the National Taskforce on Obesity in 2006, said that while it might prove difficult, the Government could put pressure on the food and drinks industry to package food for young people differently and to reduce portion sizes.

Full Story: www.examiner.ie  

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