Should kids be allowed to use Facebook? []

Children younger than 13 should be allowed to use Facebook, the social network’s founder Mark Zuckerberg has said. At present, Irish children are technically barred from using the site under the site’s own rules. Facebook’s 13-and-over age limit was set to comply with American privacy laws.

Kim Bielenberg: Yes

The first reason for allowing 11 and 12-year-olds into the world of social networking is that there is a good chance that they are already there. According to recent estimates in the United States, up to 7.5 million Facebook users at present are under the age of 13.

Parents may ban their children from going on to the site, but unless they are standing over them for every online minute they can easily log on to it by entering a false age. If they do not manage to do it at home they can do it when they are visiting friends.


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