In My Opinion: Parents need to get involved in learning activities at home []

How can parents help their children get the best outcomes from their education? Is it the parents' job, or is it the school's?

What are the factors that mean that some children do well in the education system and some struggle? Are there factors that parents can influence?

Educational disadvantage is defined in the 1998 Education Act as: "...the impediments to education arising from social or economic disadvantage which prevents students from deriving appropriate benefit from education in schools."

This sounds reasonable I hear you say, and most would agree that often children who don't achieve good educational outcomes have impediments to education arising from social or economic disadvantage.

The question is, though: is this social or economic disadvantage the main reason for students not deriving appropriate benefit from education, is it one of a range of reasons, or is it just a coincidence.

So what does the research say? Research suggests that parental involvement in a child's learning has more of an impact on a child's educational outcomes than social class, level of parental education or income.


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