Campaign mounts for second level Educate Together []

AN action group has been formed to campaign for an Educate Together secondary school in Lusk.

The Educate Together Second Level Lusk (ET2LL) group believe that the growing population of Educate Together primary schools in Fingal mean these children need a place to go at second level where the same culture and philosophies are in place.

ET2LL believes that providing a smooth transition from the primary model to a second level school will have very positive benefits not only for the pupils but also for the wider communities of Lusk, Rush and Skerries.

Josephine Leonard Lara, who has two children attending the Rush and Lusk Educate Together primary school, said: 'It is very exciting that our kids may now have a chance to go to an Educate Together second level school.'

A research document published last year by Educate Together called ' Where to Next?' found there was a 90% preference expressed by parents for Educate Together second level schools for their children if available.


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