Making the most of the holidays -- 21st century-style []

The country's 3,300 primary schools will close their doors for the summer holidays next week. For half a million children, July and August promise a break from the routine of school, uniforms and homework.

And as most parents see at this time of the year, children are ready for that break. The free time and, hopefully, better weather also give children a chance to do different things.

Unlike many teenagers who are hormonally disposed to sleep until noon, hang out and stay up half the night, primary school children want to be active, or in their terms, "doing stuff". And contrary to popular belief, primary-school children are not genetically attached to PlayStations, Nintendos or social-networking sites.

Some parents feel that a summer camp is a must or their child will lose out. Now, more than ever, financing this is a real nightmare.


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