Forum on school patronage opens [IrishTimes]

The Department of Education’s forum on primary school patronage began in Dublin today.

The forum, which continues until Friday, will hear submissions from interested parties including three from Catholic church bodies – the Council for Education of the Irish Episcopal Conference, the Catholic Primary School Management Association and the Association of Trustees of Catholic Schools.

In a submission to the forum, the Catholic bishops have criticised as “very unhelpful” a suggestion by Minister for Education Ruairí Quinn that 50 per cent of primary schools under their control could be transferred to other patrons.

This suggested to those involved with Catholic schools that “they will be forced into change against their will”, the bishops said.

Archbishop of Dublin, Dr Diarmuid Martin has noted that 90 per cent of Dublin primary schools were under his patronage, while the percentage population who actively wanted a Catholic education could be as low as 50 per cent.


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