Children aged 7 subjected to cyber-bullying [IrishExaminer]

CHILDREN as young as seven are being bullied on social networking sites and mobile phones, an expert warned yesterday.

Primary school pupils are falling victim to cyber-bullying as the age of children using Facebook, Bebo and mobile phones falls.

Chief executive of the National Parents Council Primary, Aine Lynch, said that while cyber-bullying is mainly a problem among teenagers, children as young as seven being bullied via technology.

"Cyber-bullying is an issue among primary-school children. Younger and younger children are using technology, such as the internet, and have mobile phones," she said.

"Reports of children in the age bracket of nine to 11 being bullied on the internet or over a mobile phone is more common, but there are isolated cases of seven- and eight-year-old children in Ireland being victims of cyber-bullying.

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