Young film-makers screen their movies []

THE 2011 'Fís Film Festival' took place in St. Michael's Theatre in New Ross last Thursday.

The Film Festival is an annual event for schools and it is co-ordinated by Principal of New Ross CBS Primary School, Brian MacMahon. The New Ross school has won two national film-making awards during the past five years.

Participating schools in the 'Fís Film Festival' receive training in the Wexford Education Centre in Enniscorthy on aspects of film making and film editing.

Teachers then organise their classes to write a film script, to shoot a film and to edit the finished product to make it ready for viewing in a cinema.

' Through making their own film, pupils gain an appreciation of many aspects of film making including script writing, story boarding, directing, camera work, sound recording, editing techniques, sound tracks and special effects,' said Mr McMahon.


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