Only two social networking sites fully protect minors [IrishExaminer]

ONLY two social networking sites protect the privacy of minors by default, an EU study has shown.

Efforts to cut down on cyber-bullying, abuse and sexual grooming through improving privacy settings have been successful over the past year. But many social networking sites, including the most popular, Facebook, have not taken all the steps necessary to protect young users.

Only Bebo and MySpace among the 14 sites tested for the European Commission automatically prevented young people’s profiles being accessible to users other than their list of friends.

Tagging people in pictures is also becoming a problem as it makes it very easy to search for a person’s photos online.

The majority of sites allowed friends of friends to connect directly with a user, even if they were strangers. They could contact them through personal messages and in some cases add comments and pictures on their public profiles.

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