Maintaining top standards amid cuts worries teachers [Independent]

THE first 100 days of the Fine Gael/Labour coalition has brought little hope to teachers who are battling to educate children amid a raft of cuts, according to the Dundalk branch of the INTO.

'The three areas of concern is the huge level of unemployment among newly qualified teachers, the cuts to staffing levels in schools, and the reduction in language supports and assistance for children with special needs,' said Brid Kindlon, Secretary of the Dundalk branch.

She explained that a department 'embargo' has meant that despite many retirements, no new teachers are being taken on in schools.

' There are no new appointments being made which is really affecting teachers in middle management as they cannot be promoted.'

'This is against a background where around 2000 teachers are emerging from teaching college, and fifty per cent of those have no chance of employment.'


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