Sinead Ryan: Hard-pressed mums being held to ransom by 'updated' school texts []

The children haven't even broken up for the summer holidays yet and already parents are tearing their hair out in frustration at the costs already piling up for the next school year.

All those books they carefully kept covered and clean, ready for the next child down the line will be redundant. Instead, they'll be expected to fork out hundreds for a brand new set -- not because the curriculum's changed, but because a picture on page 23 has been updated.

It's ridiculous, and it makes parents' mouths foam with outrage. In fairness, it drives teachers mad too. The only people who benefit from the regurgitation of perfectly good books into new, updated models, are publishers and printers. These days, with everyone trying to keep costs to a minimum and the planet greener, it seems the re-printing of new editions of school books are costing us a fortune on both counts.


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