16pc of primary pupils miss 20 days each year [herald.ie]

ONE in six Dublin primary school students miss more than 20 days of school a year, according to a report published by the National Education Welfare Board.

The report also revealed how nearly one in five post-primary students in the capital miss more than 20 school days every year.

Labour TD John Lyons, a former teacher, raised the issue in the Dail when he asked Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Frances Fitzgerald for a breakdown of the figures for his own constituency, Dublin North West.

Mr Lyons told the Herald that nothing is being done to punish parents whose children are missing more than 20 days a year.

"The National Education Welfare Board hasn't been strong at taking serious action. It's a good set-up but the delivery on good attendance just isn't there.


Full Story: www.herald.ie


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