Graduate teachers facing emigration [IrishTimes]

A chara, – As one of the many graduates who will emigrate due to the lack of available employment for newly qualified teachers, I feel a great sense of disbelief at the complacency of the Government in its willingness to ignore that numerous highly-trained individuals are leaving, only to use their skills for the benefit of the education systems of other countries.

The Teaching Council requires that all newly-qualified teachers complete an induction period of 300 hours post-qualification, in order to be recognised as fully accredited teachers by the council. However, by staying in Ireland, the vast majority of teaching graduates of 2011 will find it incredibly challenging to fulfil this requirement within the allowed three years, due to the impossibility of securing long-term employment. Therefore, the only option for most is to fulfil this requirement abroad.

Many school managers find themselves in a position whereby they cannot replace teachers who have retired or have left the profession.


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