Speech of Fianna Fáil Leader Micheál Martin TD, Party Conference on Education [fiannafail.ie]

I would like to welcome you and thank you for attending this policy conference.  We have decided on education as the topic for our first conference since the election for two main reasons.  First of all, education is and always has been a core priority for Fianna Fáil.  Secondly, we believe that there remain serious challenges to be confronted in the education system and we intend to use every opportunity in the Oireachtas to promote a positive agenda to address them.


I have no interest in the type of negative and destructive opposition which this country saw in recent years.  That was all about preparing for an election not preparing for government – and it is why so many policies which were bitterly opposed just three months ago are still being implemented.


Our commitment to being constructive was shown in April when we tabled a private members motion in the Dáil which succeeded in gaining cross-party support.  The debate on our motion is so far the only time that the new Dáil has discussed education.


Full Story: www.fiannafail.ie


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