Reilly challenges Junior Education Minister on cuts to school transport []

Speaking today in a Seanad debate on Primary School Transport, Sinn Féin Senator Kathryn Reilly challenged Junior Minister Ciarán Cannon on his proposed cuts.

Senator Reilly said:

“Minister Cannon said last week that the changes implemented this year are expected to produce a saving in the order of €3.5 million and still have to find another €13.5 million in savings over the next three years.

“Today he is telling us that savings of €4million are expected in 2011 and €14million up to 2014. Which are the correct figures?

“Where will these “savings” come from?

“With many families struggling from week to week and 1 in 5 only having €70 left at the end of the month after bills this could see families unable to afford to safely send their child to school.


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