Minister Ciarán Cannon welcomes Bus Eireann agreement to reduce School Transport Costs by €1.5 million, Bus Eireann also agree to publish audited accounts on scheme []

The Minister of State at the Department of Education and Skills, Ciarán Cannon, has welcomed confirmation from Bus Eireann yesterday afternoon that it is significantly reducing the administrative costs of the School Transport Service and will continue to do so over the next three years.

The Minister and officials from the Department met with Bus Eireann yesterday afternoon as part of their on-going negotiations with the company on finding savings in the School Transport Scheme which currently costs the state some €180 million.

"I can confirm that Bus Eireann has reduced its administrative overheads by approximately €1.5 million this year and the company has committed to finding further cost reductions over the next three years," said Minister Cannon.

"This means that the total administrative costs of Bus Eireann to operate the scheme will be in the region of €16.7 million this year, and not €25 million as has been suggested by some people."


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