Zero tolerance on unqualified or retired teachers urged [IrishTimes]

INTO MEMBERS have a responsibility to ensure that only qualified teachers are employed at their schools, the Dáil has heard.

“The INTO has given a very clear indication to all its members not to work with unqualified teachers,” Minister for Education Ruairí Quinn said.

Mr Quinn recently issued a circular to schools directing them to give preference to young unemployed teachers rather than retired teachers and to qualified rather than unqualified teachers, should a substitute be required.

The circular also advised that an unregistered teacher could be employed on this basis for a maximum of five days.

Pressed by Fianna Fáil education spokesman Brendan Smith (Cavan-Monaghan) to implement a “zero tolerance” approach to unqualified and retired teachers, Mr Quinn indicated that it was up to teachers to ensure unqualified or retired personnel did not work in their schools.


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