Minister says schools can seek voluntary contributions [IrishTimes]

SCHOOLS CAN seek contributions from parents so long as it is made “absolutely clear” that the contributions are voluntary, Minister for Education Ruairí Quinn has told the Dáil.

He also said he was “actively exploring” schemes to cut the cost of books by reducing the necessity for revised editions as well as eliminating the requirement for parents to buy school uniforms from specific shops rather than having generic “grey, blue, green and red uniforms”, which are sold in large retail stores. If schools “confined themselves to selling their badge or emblem, we could seriously address the cost issues”.

Mr Quinn was responding to concerns expressed by a number of TDs that schools were putting pressure on parents to contribute towards core curriculum as well as extra-curricular activities.

Derek Keating (FG, Dublin Mid West) said families were expected to make a voluntary registration fee at the start of each academic year and to contribute between €40 and €80 for photocopying as well as “anything from €100 to €300” for extra curricular activity such as sport, drama and music.


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