Quin school under pressure as numbers grow [clarechampion.ie]

The Department of Education and Skills has acknowledged that Scoil na Mainistreach’s school building in Quin is “now deficient in meeting the needs of the current school population” and is likely to become increasingly so in the future.
The department noted this in a in a whole school evaluation report carried out in November 2010 and which was recently published.

While the school received a positive evaluation it was noted by the inspectorate that the school’s board of management addresses the maintenance and improvement of the school building with diligence.

Notwithstanding this, the report noted that “the school building is now deficient in meeting the needs of the current school population. As it is expected that the school population will continue to grow, the current building is likely to be increasingly deficient in meeting the school’s needs into the future”.

Full Story: www.clarechampion.ie



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