Unions say plan will not work if teachers cut [IrishTimes]

REACTION: THE NATIONAL Literacy and Numeracy Strategy will cost €6 million next year, rising to €19 million by 2017 but funding will have to come from existing resources.

Minister for Education Ruairí Quinn said, however, that the education budget was “vast” and “we can find €19 million out of €8 billion. We will reduce and have to take from here and there.”

Pressed about cutbacks in special needs assistants and plans by the technical group of TDs to establish a group to oppose this, Mr Quinn called on them to set up a group that would support literacy and numeracy among children. The Minister said the State did not have control of its own cheque book.

The Irish National Teachers Organisation, which represents primary teachers, said the Coalition’s commitment to literacy and numeracy would be seen in the next budget. “If teacher numbers are cut then this plan is not worth the paper it is written on,” said general secretary Sheila Nunan.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com


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