Literacy and Numeracy Plan []

Press Statement Sheila Nunan General Secretary, INTO, on Literacy and Numeracy Plan

Success or failure of literacy and numeracy plan will depend on school resources.

The INTO responded to the literacy and numeracy plan published by the Department of Education and Skills saying laying out a plan at a time when thousands of teaching jobs are being cut from schools showed the lack of official backing for the plan.

The General Secretary of the INTO Sheila Nunan said: “You cannot on the one hand demand higher standards and then cut teacher numbers, reduce funding, decrease supports for special needs and disadvantaged children and increase class size.” She said these cutbacks would compromise the ability of schools to deliver on the plan.

“The government’s commitment to literacy and numeracy will be seen in the next budget. If teacher numbers are cut then this plan is not worth the paper it is written on,” said Ms Nunan. “The challenge for the Minister is to ring fence front line staffing and find the resources to support a rise in standards. If he doesn’t do this then this plan will be a pointless exercise.”


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