Facebook joins anti-bullying partnership [IrishExaminer]

FACEBOOK and Time Warner are ganging up on bullies to address a problem that torments millions of children and young adults.

The partnership announced yesterday calls for Facebook and Time Warner to use their clout to raise awareness about bullying and encourage more people to report the abuses when they see the.

Facebook’s participation reflects a growing recognition that its online social network consisting of more than 750 million people has become an outlet for harassment as well as friendship.

"We believe that by working together with parents and teachers, we can teach young people to speak up and stop bullying," said Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s chief operating officer.

The anti-bullying campaign will be waged on the internet, on TV and radio and several major US magazines. It’s being billed as "Stop Bullying: Speak Up," a theme that Time Warner’s Cartoon Network has been trumpeting since last year.

Full Story: www.examiner.ie  

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