Protest against special needs cutbacks [IrishTimes]

A PROTEST involving about 700 people against cuts to the number of special needs assistants and resource teachers’ hours took place yesterday outside Leinster House.

The demonstration was held to coincide with a vote in the Dáil on a motion put forward on Tuesday by the technical group of TDs which proposed a reversal of the cuts.

“It is unanimous amongst the technical group, which comes from all political spectrums, all sides, [that the cut] is wicked and unforgivable and unacceptable,” said Shane Ross TD, a member of the technical group.

“We are not fooled by any pleas that this is because of the IMF or the EU. It is within their power at the stroke of a pen tomorrow morning to reverse it,” he added.

Some of the groups involved in organising the protest included the Special Needs Parents Association, Down Syndrome Ireland, Impact, the United Left Alliance, the Dáil technical group and the Enough Campaign.


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