A fantastic, plastic education [IrishTimes]

CHILDREN'S SUMMER CAMPS: Eager children are learning how to incorporate gears, pulleys and levers into their own Lego designs

THE BIG BLUE boxes brimful of Lego pieces are being plundered by a bunch of enthusiastic children. There are about 20 youngsters ranging in age from six to nine sitting at small desks or on the floor making trucks, cranes and motorised cars from Lego. They are completely engaged in their tasks, sometimes trading tips, other times busy searching for that crucial piece that will make the gears work or the pulley system operate more smoothly.

“I’m making a long truck,” says Brian (9), showing me how the gear cogs touch off each other and connect to a motor to turn the wheels. “I made a Lego car with a boot that opened,” says Daniel (6).

“The hardest part is getting the right Lego pieces,” says Christopher (8), who made a car that could crash into Lego walls.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com


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