The School Report - a lesson in itself []

We recently received the first of our 'official' school reports. Generally delighted (and relieved) with how the first year of school had gone, I suppose I was lucky to see the envelope land on the doorstep and not instantly dread it or reach for the whiskey before opening it. We hadn't had any real problems to deal with and I could only anticipate good things in the report.

But still, I surprised myself at my reaction to what I read. For some reason, I was anticipating grades, or marks out of ten for various things. Where are the gold stars, I wondered to myself as I read the comprehensive comments about how well my child had settled into school routine, how good his behaviour is and how well he is getting on with his classmates. All was well, it would seem - he was 'Good' at most things and 'Excellent ' at some.

What? I heard myself cry. Not excellent at everything? This is a disaster. What has gone wrong?


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