Religious orders meet Quinn [IrishTimes]

The Government “is fully satisfied that it is entirely right and proper that the managers of (residential) institutions be asked to meet a 50 per cent share of the major costs of dealing with abuse (of children),” Minister for Education Ruairi Quinn told religious congregations investigated by the Ryan Commission at a meeting in the Department of Education and Skills this afternoon.

“Putting it bluntly I believe that there is a moral responsibility on your congregations to significantly augment your contributions,” he said.

To date costs incurred by the State as a result of the abuse of children in the institutions is estimated at €1.36 billion. The State is seeking a €680 million (50 per cent) contribution towards this from the congregations. They have offered €374.5 million. Minister Quinn suggested in recent months that they make up the shortfall by signing over property to the State.

“Quite simply, this issue will not go away,” He said. “I believed the public supports the 50:50 approach and will not see the issue closed until that is delivered” he said. “I urge you therefore to reflect on these points and to revert to me and to revert to me at the earliest opportunity with your response. Less there be any ambituity, I am calling on you to significantly increase the cash offers that you have already made,” he said.


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