Eight Weeks pleasure or pain? [schooldays.ie]

I was having a quick snoop around Twitter the other day and read a tweet from a mum who blogs in the UK. The UK schools were just breaking up for the summer holidays and her tweet said: ‘Very sad listening to all the mums at the school gate today saying ‘roll on September.’ And a bit of a Twitter debate started about how parents approach the onset of the summer holidays – should we be delighted at the prospect of spending eight weeks with our children, or is it acceptable to be a little alarmed at the thought and already be willing the leaves to start turning brown and falling off the trees? I also read an interesting article in The Irish Independent - 'How to be a better parent by mum-of-five with 84 year's experience' which sums up the summer holiday, nay parenting, conundrum perfectly!

I’m sure there are many pros and cons for both sides of the argument but with all the best will in the world, I doubt there are many parents who do not feel just a teensy, weensy bit frazzled at the end of the summer holidays.


Full Story: www.schooldays.ie


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