Quinn says refusal to train could result in penalties [IrishTimes]

WELFARE RECIPIENTS who refuse retraining and education face financial sanctions, Minister for Education Ruairí Quinn has warned.

In announcing Solas, the new training and education authority which will replace Fás, he said: “The idea that someone can be permanently on the dole and doing nothing [to retrain] is unacceptable.”

Echoing recent comments from Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton, Mr Quinn said there would be a “consequence in terms of payment” if someone refused to retrain.

The agency will replace Fás, whose reputation was mortally wounded by a succession of scandals involving extravagant expenses and poor corporate governance.

Solas is also designed to provide a more integrated approach to education and training; it is mandated to provide high-quality further education and training programmes to jobseekers and other learners.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com


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